OSOM provides course materials that meet the educational requirements for the General Council of the Assemblies of God. There are three levels of courses.
Level 1 Track: Certified Minister
Level 2 Track: Licensed Minister
Level 3 Track Ordained Minister
Required credential courses successfully completed through OSOM fulfill the academic requirements of the General Council of the Assemblies of God for the respective level of credential with the Assemblies of God, but do not guarantee credentials.
Obtaining credentials with the Assemblies of God requires an extensive application procedure including completing an application, gathering references, background checks, credit checks, interviews, and a written test. More information can be found at the Ohio Ministry Network Credentials Information.
AG History, Missions, & Governance
A study of the historical development and governing policies of the Assemblies of God. The Fellowship’s history in America and its worldwide missions program is told through stories of the personalities involved. Includes a study of the ecclesiastical structure of the Assemblies of God, with particular attention to the General Council Constitution and Bylaws in relation to credentialed ministers, local churches, district councils, the General Council, and doctrines and practices that are approved and disapproved.
Relationships & Ethics in Ministry
An examination of the moral principles governing human conduct in light of the teachings of Scripture. Special attention is given to the minister’s personal and professional code of ethics, and contemporary personal and social issues.
Introduction to Hermeneutics: How to Interpret the Bible
An introduction to various methods of Bible study, with special attention given to basic principles of scriptural interpretation. Emphasis is placed on devotional aspects of study for personal edification.
Introduction to Pentecostal Doctrine
An introduction to theology (its meaning and purpose) and historic Christian doctrines. Emphasis will be placed upon the Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God as the framework for this study.
Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
A study of the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the gospels and in light of the historical, cultural, and geographical settings of the first century. The course emphasizes the ministry of John the Baptist, the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, the miracles and parables of Jesus, the passion, the resurrection, and messianic titles.
Spirit Empowered Churches
The biblical principles for spiritual multiplication are evident in the pages of the Scriptures and in particular in the book of Acts. In A Spirit-Empowered Church, we will look at the heart of dynamic church growth: creating Spirit-empowered disciples who are involved in five activities—connect, grow, serve, go, and worship. A church dynamically involved in these five activities change individuals, families, and communities with the love and power of God’s mighty Spirit. The author of the text, Alton Garrison, shares the Acts 2 church model, which can renew the spiritual vitality of your congregation. The church of Acts 2 turned the first-century world upside down for Jesus. God wants to use your church to do the same today.
Beginning Ministerial Internship
To gain competence in performing sacerdotal functions by planning and/or participating in and/or observing and evaluating a funeral, wedding, baptism and communion under the guidance of a mentor.
New Testament Survey
An overview of the books of the New Testament, emphasizing the key facts and teachings of each book. Applications to contemporary life and ministry are included.
Old Testament Survey
A study of the books of the Old Testament, acquainting the student with key facts in each book. The development of God’s plan of redemption throughout the Old Testament canon is highlighted.
Introduction to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective
An introduction to theology and a detailed study of the following theological areas: Biblioligy, Theology Proper, Christology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology.
Conflict Management for Church Leaders
A study devoted to the resolution of conflict in the local church. The reasons for churches becoming unhealthy and how God wants to heal them are examined. The lordship of Jesus Christ and His methodology in resolving conflict form the basis of this study.
Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come
An advanced study of the doctrine of last things, including topics such as death, resurrection and rapture, views of the tribulation, millennial views, judgment, and the final state of the righteous and the wicked.
Introduction to Homiletics
A study dealing with sermon delivery that provides a hands-on approach to developing sermon preparation skills. The course content addresses audience analysis, the speaker’s physical appearance, gestures, credibility, voice usage, and personality.
Introduction to AG Missions
A study of the theology, history, and methods of Christian missions in general and within the Assemblies of God. There is emphasis on recent trends and developments, critical issues, and missions as they are carried out through national and local churches.
Effective Leadership
A study of the principles of leadership, applicable to all phases of life and ministry. Practical applications are offered to help students use these principles in the local church situation.
Romans: Justification by Faith
A practical study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. The course deals with the book’s background and its relation to the rest of Paul’s writings. The book’s relevance to everyday Christian living is a featured theme.
Intermediate Ministerial Internship
To gain competence in an area that occupies or will occupy a significant or central role in church administration, biblical counseling, person finance, and benevolence.
Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
A detailed study of the origin and development of the apostolic church. The course emphasizes the church’s mission in its proclamation of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Included is an overview of Paul’s missionary journeys.
The Local Church in Evangelism
A study of the contemporary history and practice of evangelism in the church, with an emphasis on the techniques and methods used in personal witnessing. The course also trains students in the art of lifestyle evangelism.
Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon
An exegetical study of the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon. Highlighted is the theme of the glory of God in Christ and the believer’s high calling to life in Christ.
Church Administration, Finance and Law
A study of American ecclesiastical law, addressing contemporary legal issues affecting churches and ministers.
The Corinthian Correspondence
An expository study of First and Second Corinthians. Highlighted are Paul’s responses to the problems afflicting the Corinthian church, the appropriate operation of the gifts of the Spirit within the congregation, and Paul’s views of Christian character and ministry.
The Poetic Books
A study of the Old Testament books of poetry and prophecy. These books cover issues like suffering, parenting, and the fear of the Lord, teaching us how to live.
Pastoral Ministry
A study of the practical aspects of pastoral ministry, including the pastor’s call, preaching, teaching, church leadership, family life, and more.
The Pentateuch
An in-depth study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Highlighting God’s personal relationship with His creation and the loving covenants made with His people, the study examines the Pentateuch’s revelation of God’s character and the requirements for relationship with Him.
Prayer & Worship
A study of biblical prayer stressing the importance and impact of prayer in contemporary life and ministry, and an exploration of the scriptural and theological foundations for individual and corporate praise and worship.
Preaching in the Contemporary World
The principles, process, and problems of communicating from one culture to another. Special attention is given to the development of attitudes and methods enabling effective communication of the gospel to people in other cultures.
Advanced Ministerial Internship
To gain competence in an area that occupies or will occupy a significant or central role in strategic planning, pulpit/public ministry, church finance, and vision.

Ohio School of Ministry (OSOM) College Credit
OSOM is unique as a school of ministry in that it provides its students with the benefit of up to a semester of college credit (up to 6 classes or 18 credit hours at the SEU Ohio Regional Campus) through its partnership with Southeastern University. This is available only to students who have completed an entire level or multiple levels of the OSOM program with transfer credit of up to 6 credit hours (2 courses) per OSOM level.